Role of the Teacher in Cooperative learning

 Role of the Teacher in Cooperative  learning

A cooperative learning classroom brings additional responsibilities to the teachers and the role of the teacher is enriched even more. The role of the teacher includes but is not limited to

§  Specify academic objectives

§  Specify collaborative skills

§  Decide on group size

§  Assign students to groups

§  Arrange the room

§  Plan materials

§  Assign the role to students(reader, recorder, calculator, checker, reporter, materials handler, etc.)

§  Explain the Task(explain procedures, give examples, ask questions to check the task is understood by all)

§  Test and Question individual children(to promote individual accountability)

§  Promote intergroup cooperation(have groups check each other and help each other)

§  Monitor students behavior (while students are working circulate to see whether they understand the assignment and the material, give immediate feedback)

§  Praise good use of group skills. 

§  Provide assistance on understanding a task.

§  Provide assistance on how the group can work together more effectively.

§  Reflect regularly to improve cooperative learning and teaching strategies.


Role of the Teacher in Cooperative  learning

Designed With by WAQAR BALOCH | 2024