Why action research is found useful for classroom teachers? How can it help them in solving problems?

 Q.3: Why action research is found useful for classroom teachers? How can it help them in solving problems?

Research means to find and understand to solve the problems. The action reaches to the identification of 

research is found useful for classroom teachers

The problem action reach is useful in the classroom. The purpose of this reach means to solve the problem in the classroom. This research is done by the classroom,

 in the classroom action research is helpful in the classroom. The relationship between the teacher and the students is powerful.

 The students are understanding about the studying the teacher engage in action research in action research, they are increasing their understanding of the schooling process. There are learning will impact on what happens in classroom’s schools and in the country border, perspective research as well as schools.

Classroom assessment helps teachers to focus on student learning, by determining what students have learned and what is unclear instructors can focus the class more effectively to meet the learning needs of that group.

 Action research means that reviewing some areas in the classroom studying. The action research can find out what can be changed immediately to help students to learn.

 Action research may be hesitant to ask questions. during class, classroom assignments give students opportunities to provide anonymous feedback to their instructor about their learning classroom assessment action research may be used in any type of class.

 Action research tends to help the classroom teachers to improve the educational practices and resolve the educational projects.

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